How to Apply EPDM to Your RV

It’s never fun realizing your recreational vehicle has a leak in it. When RVs are working properly, they offer practically unlimited freedom to those who enjoy them. Anywhere the open road can take you is an option and you always have a place to stay that fits your needs perfectly. That being said, RV roof repair is sometimes a necessity. However, if you use EPDM to do it, you’re practically guaranteed you won’t ever have to do it again.

Address the Leak

To begin, make sure you address the leak first and any damage it has done inside the RV. Sometimes, this will entail handling any issues the leak may have caused with your electronics. Whatever the case, EPDM is an excellent choice for RV roof repair because it will cover the damaged area sufficiently. That being said, you still want to take care of any underlying problems it may have caused.

Clean the Area

Next, use one part bleach to three parts water and a stiff broom or some type of scrubber to get rid of any stains on top of your RV that the leak may have caused. This will also help with your RV roof repair project because it will ensure the EPDM has a nice, clean surface to apply itself to. Other products are made for RV cleaning to, if you don’t want to mess with the mixture.

Then be sure to dry the roof sufficiently. Direct sunlight helps a lot, but go over it once with a towel too.

Prime the Roof

You can also find primers made specifically for using EPDM for RV roof repair. This is the initial step you’ll take as soon as your RV’s roof is nice and clean. Simply follow the instructions on the bottle.

Apply Your EPDM

Before you apply the EPDM for your RV roof repair project, remove any skin that may have formed at the top. You can use a simple roller to coat the area, applying it as a ¾’’ coat. Again, read the instructions to know how long you should let it cure for. Typically, this takes no more than three days, depending on what kind of temperature you’re experiencing. Then apply a second coat, but roll it out in the opposite direction.

If you’re using a rubber form of EPDM, then it will come in sheets. The instructions will tell you how to apply it, but chances are you’ll cut off as much as you need and then roll it over the leak. One sheet should be enough. There will most likely be an adhesive to then roll over it, in order to secure the seams.

No matter what kinds of RV leaks you repair, EPDM is the way to go. Just make sure you do it when the weather is nice or over a covered area so rain doesn’t cause further problems. Other than that your RV rubber roof repair project should be quick, affordable and effective, allowing you back on the road in hardly any time at all.